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Commercial Property Casualty Insurance Pricing Survey

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In the second quarter of 2024, Zywave conducted the first Commercial Property and Casualty Insurance Pricing (CPCIP) Survey to gather insights on the first quarter’s pricing trends within the property and casualty insurance market. Brokers from across the United States participated in the survey, sharing their perspectives on the current pricing environment and its impact on the industry.

This CPCIP Survey Report compiles their responses and provides valuable market intelligence to guide strategic decisions and inform on key market trends.


  • Survey respondents identified commercial property, auto, umbrella/excess and business owners policies (BOP) as the most challenging.
  • Commercial property saw the steepest price increases, exceeding 11% for nearly 80% of insureds.
  • Survey respondents identified directors and officers (D&O), standalone cyber insurance, fidelity and crime insurance and workers’ compensation as having the most stable pricing environment.
  • Rates for workers’ compensation were either flat or decreased by 1%-5% for most insureds.
  • Medium and large accounts faced the most substantial rate increases, with over 30% of these groups experiencing hikes exceeding 11%.
  • There was significant variability in rate changes across industries, with the transportation,
    real estate and hospitality sectors facing the most considerable increases.
  • Expectations for the rest of the year indicated further significant increases.
  • Insureds are adjusting by reducing coverage limits, exploring alternative options, adjusting policy terms and opting for higher deductibles.

Brought to you by the insurance professionals at Schauer Group.
This content is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. © Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.
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