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In the second quarter of 2024, Zywave conducted the first Commercial Property and Casualty Insurance Pricing (CPCIP) Survey to gather insights on the first quarter’s pricing trends within the property and casualty insurance market.
For high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth individuals, the effects of a cybersecurity attack can be costly and wide-reaching.
While premiums still are rising, the average increases across all lines of business generally stayed about the same or decreased slightly in Q1 2024 compared with Q4 2023
In 2022, more than 500 people were killed on the job in a workplace violence incident. And every year, 2 million people are victims of nonfatal workplace violence, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.
Commercial insurance pricing is still rising, but the hikes are less steep than they were a year ago.
On Monday, April 8, many Ohioans will experience a total solar eclipse. And while the eclipse is exciting, it also has public safety implications and could pose problems for area businesses.
Any organization that asks employees to drive as part of their work duties should implement a fleet safety program.
By 2027, it’s expected that 75 percent of all workers will be using “shadow IT” – or software they have downloaded without permission – making it difficult for companies to protect against data security risks.
The U.S. Department of Labor released a final rule revising the agency’s guidance on how to analyze who is an employee or independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
More than 40% of the country’s construction workforce is expected to retire in the next decade.
Skyrocketing jury awards are one example of how social inflation is driving up insurance costs, as more people turn to litigation to resolve claims.
High premiums remain a top concern for commercial insurance clients nationwide as pricing continues to increase.
Premiums for commercial property and casualty insurance jumped an average of 8.9% in Q2 2023 – marking 23 consecutive quarters of increases.
Car insurance rates are up 17% and are expected to hike another 4% during the remaining months of 2023, according to the Mid-Year Auto Insurance Trends Report from Insurify.
If your company is resuming international travel following the pandemic, it’s important to have a robust international insurance program in place to make sure your employees are protected wherever they go.
Insurance companies are becoming more cautious about coverage for businesses that collect and store biometric data, in light of recent biometric privacy legislation and judicial action.
Looking ahead, policyholders who conduct high-risk operations, have poor loss control practices or are located in natural disaster-prone areas will likely remain increasingly vulnerable to persistent rate hikes and coverage limitations.
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced a new version of Form I 9, also known as the Employment Eligibility Verification form.