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Capitalizing on the trend to build green can quickly turn your profit margin from black to red if you don’t have a clear understanding of your additional contract exposures.
As many organizations continue to struggle in this tough economy, many employers are finding effective ways to cut costs without having to lay off any employees.
Employers can benefit from Return-to-Work programs by retaining skilled employees, reducing short- and long-term disability claims, and obtaining a lower workers’ compensation experience modification factor—positively affecting their premium costs and ability to gain new work.
Failing to remit payroll taxes and retirement plan contributions in a timely manner is not only a violation of an employer’s legal obligation, it can also subject your company to heavy penalties.
Here are five simple ways that your company can create a workplace that is supportive of employees and their mental health.
Schauer Group suggests project owners and general contractors turn to a wrap-up insurance program for construction projects to manage their risks.
Discussing unemployment benefits can often ease the tension when discussing a temporary furlough with an employee.
Schauer Group has compiled these tips for coming out of the economic downturn to keep your business prospering well into the next economic cycle.